Infant Massage

There are many benefits of infant massages. Baby massages are extremely beneficial these distresses the baby as well as creating a caregiver-infant bond. This allows the parents to feel more confident becoming actual parents. One of the ways of why baby massages are important is that it increases blood and nutrients flow to the cell. This also helps midline orientation which will allow the child complete tasks much simpler. Allowing the child to be more coordinated is another benefit. Massages can be held anytime of the day anything that is beneficial for the family. Allowing other members of the family massage the baby helps create bonds with the child. This helps the baby feel a sense of attachment, which will allow the baby grow more comfortable towards others rather than just the holding a connection with just the mother or father. Development of a baby’s body image will allow them to grow more confident of themselves. There were a lot of new pieces of information I learned from the video. For instance, creating a bond with the baby. At the babies young age, I assumed the child will only keep a bond with the mother, but if for some reason the mother can’t breastfeed the baby or spend the time with them. They will feel the same connection due to massages. Making an eye- to-eye connection with the baby releases oxytocin which encourages that feeling of love and comfort for the child. Stimulating face- to- face interaction is one of the four vital elements infants need. Incorporating it in daily routines such as massages is very important because being consistent and present with your infant also supports healthy brain and development.

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